


The Glass Bathyscaphe; How Glass Changed the World (2002)

Green Gold; The Empire of Tea (2003)

'Work and Culture: Some Comparisons of England and Japan', in Wellsprings of Achievement: Cultural and Economic Dynamics in Early Modern England and Japan, ed. P.Gouk (Variorum, 1995).

'Technological Evolution and Involution; A Preliminary Comparison of Europe and Japan', (with S.Harrison) in John Ziman (ed.), Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000)

'The World of Glass' article published in SCIENCE vol: 305 pp. 1407-8, 3rd September 2004

'Reflections on the Great Divergence: Reliable Knowledge of the World' (Draft of lecture given in National Library, Beijing, China in 2002)

'Glass' draft of article published in the Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, 2005

'Tea' draft of article published in the Encyclopedia of World Environmental History, Berkshire/Routledge, 2003

Preface to Chinese edition of Green Gold: The Empire of Tea.

'Tea' article for Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, written in 2003 and published in amended form in 2005

'Tea' Draft of article for the Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History (ed. Joel Mokyr), published by Oxford University Press, 2003