

NEW 2020! 'Discovering Japan' An overview of all our visits to Japan since 1990 and our attempts to understand Japan and the Japanese [pdf]

1990 First visit to Japan Visiting Lecturer for the British Council, at Hokkaido University, for six weeks in July-August.

1991 Tried to incorporate my Japanese experience into 'Notes for a twelve chapter book'

1992 Four sets of additional ideas and reflections, written in January to May

'Work  and  Culture: Some Comparisons of England and  Japan',  in Wellsprings  of  Achievement: Cultural and Economic  Dynamics  in Early Modern England and Japan, ed. P.Gouk (Variorum, 1995). A conference at Oxford on Japan and the West.

'On  Individualism',  Radcliffe-Brown Memorial  Lecture,  British Academy Proceedings, vol.82., 1992, re-published as a separate pamphlet by the Centre for Study of Cultural Values, Lancaster University, 1994,  42pp.

1993 Second visit to Japan. August.

'De Tocqueville in Japan', the nature of Japanese society and culture. c. 10,000 words, 1992, a short paper which was pre-circulated for a seminar on Japan I organized.

'Japan and the West', review article on three books on Japan, including vol.iv of the Cambridge History of Japan, The Historical Journal, 36, 2 (1993).

'The Origins of Capitalism in Japan, China and the West: The Work of Norman Jacobs', Cambridge Anthropology, 17:3, 1994.

'Law   and  custom  in  Japan:  some  comparative   reflections', Continuity and Change 10(3) (1995) Written for a conference on comparative legal systems.

1994 '"Japan" in an English Mirror', Modern Asian Studies,31,4 (1997) (review of last four volumes of Cambridge History of Japan) Written in 1993-4. The published version is abridged from a longer original of 30,000 words.

Writing a major part of 'The Savage Wars of Peace' (see 1997 below)

1995 'The mystery of property: inheritance and industrialization in England and Japan', in C.M.Hann (ed.), Property Relations. Renewing the Anthropological Tradition. Cambridge, 1998. Writing a major part of 'The Savage Wars of Peace' (see 1997 below)

1997 Third visit to Japan. Visiting Professor at the Department of Anthropology, Tokyo University, September to December

'Technological Evolution and Involution; A Preliminary Comparison of  Europe  and Japan', (with S.Harrison) in  John  Ziman  (ed.), Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process (CUP., 2000) A paper at a conference on technological change.

Review of S.N. Eisenstadt, Japanese Civilization: A Comparative Review. (Chicago, 1996), in Cambridge Anthropology, 1998.

The Savage Wars of Peace; England, Japan and the Malthusian Trap (Blackwell, 1997). Approximately half of the book (80,000 words) on Japan. Written between December 1993 and May 1996. Many sections omitted from the published work, dealing with specific features of Japan are available on this link, as well as film.

1999 Fourth visit to Japan. We went with Windfall Films to make parts of a six-part documentary on the history of the world.

Writing a part of 'The Making of the Modern World' on Fukuzawa, in this and the next year, see under 2001

2001 The life and thought of Yukichi Fukuzawa, being the second part of The Making of the Modern World: Visions from West and East, Palgrave, 2001. (For details of the six chapters on Fukuzawa)

2003 Fifth visit to Japan. Visit to Hokkaido University and central Japan.

An article on Kurosawa's film 'Rashomon', awaiting publication.

2005 Wrote drafts and delivered two lectures as the Maruyama Masao Lectures at Berkeley, California, on 'Fukuzawa Yukichi and Maruyama Masao: Two Visions of Japan' and 'Fukuzawa and Maruyama: How to Understand Japan'.

Wrote an extended first draft [later] of the book that would become 'Japan Through the Looking Glass'

2006 Sixth visit to Japan. Visit to Hokkaido University and various other universities.

2007 publication of 'Japan Through the Looking Glass' .

2007 An e-mail correspondence between James Bennett and Alan Macfarlane (March-June 2007) 'Travels in a Japanese Mirror' .

[A largely narrative account of the encounter with Japan is to be found under important places in my life - Japan.]