Modes of Reproduction *
Alan Macfarlane
[From Geoffrey Hawthorn (ed.), Population and
Development; High and Low Fertility in Poorer Countries (Frank Cass,
London, 1978)]
The continued rapid growth of population in many parts of the world and
the failure of most family -planning campaigns
makes the topic of the value
and desirability of children into more than a
purely academic one. If some
general theory could be devised which would
account for the very different
fertility rates and attitudes to fertility in
different societies, this would be of
practical as well as theoretical importance.
Despite intensive research and a
vast expenditure of time and money we still do
not know how to influence
reproduction, largely because we do not yet know
why children are highly
valued. Yet the importance of the topic justifies
what is bound to
be an over-ambitious solution to the puzzle.
Firstly we may briefly
look at some previous theories which provide
hints of a solution, but which in
their crude form have not been accepted. The
question we are seeking to
answer is this: what accounts for the very large
differences in attitudes towards
having children in various societies?
suggestion is a demographic answer which has already become part
of the conventional wisdom. It is the argument
that high fertility and desire
for children is the "result' of high infant
mortality. It is pointed out that in
many societies. in order to ensure living heirs,
parents needed to stockpile
children, as for example, argued by Gould
[Marshall and Polgar, 1976:
188-91]. The practical consequence is that family
planning will not work
until death control is introduced. There is an
element of truth in this, but as
a general theory to account for all differences
over time and space it is far
too simple. It is not difficult to find instances
where, as in Taiwan in the late
1960s, people living in areas of high infant
mortality show more enthusiasm
for birth control than those where infant
mortality is much lower [Kantner
and McCaffrey, 1975: 273]. Historical data from
England in the
seventeenth century also shows that family
planning can be combined with
very high mortality rates [Wrigley,, 1966]. One reason
for the absence of a
direct connection is the fact that perceptions
and attitudes are involved.
Mortality rates may decline, but individuals may
still operate as if they were
high. There is no direct link between
reproductive behaviour and
contemporary events. This is well shown in a
study of an Eskimo
community by Masnick and Katz which shows that
women's fertility does
not reflect their present economic circumstances. but those in which they
began their reproduction [in Kaplan, 1976:
37-58]. It could also be shown
* Lecturer in the Dept. of Social Anthropology,
Cambridge. I am grateful to the Social Science Research Council for support in
the historical project upon which some of this article is based and to Sarah
Harrison and Geoffrey Hawthorn for their comments on an earlier draft. The first
half was originally given as the Malinowski Memorial Lecture at the London
School of Economics, February 1978.
that fertility has been encouraged and children
highly desired even where
mortality rates were low and many children
survived. A simple
demographic explanation only gets us a little
way. As Mamdani states: *an
overwhelming majority of the people ... have a
large number of children
not because they overestimate their infant
mortality rates, but because they
want larger families' [Mamdani, 1972: 43].
see the explanation lying in what may broadly be termed
'technology' and non-human resources. This is
roughly where Malthus
stands. He noted that pastoral and arable parts
of Switzerland varied
greatly in their population growth rates;
population was stationary in
pastoral regions, whereas it grew rapidly in arable
areas. He generalised
even further when stating that corn countries are
more populous than
pasture countries, and rice countries more
populous than corn countries
[Malthus: i, 314]. He also noted that population
where potatoes were grown
was denser than in areas where wheat was grown
[Malthus.- ii, 73]. He did
not consider the alternative explanation of the
correlation put forward by
Boserup that population density altered the
agricultural technology
[Boserup, 1965]. For Malthus it was the nature of
the means of subsistence
which 'allowed' births to exceed deaths. A more
careful reading of Malthus
suggests that he did not predict that every
increase in food would
necessarily lead to increased population, but
that in the absence of
preventive and other checks it would do so. The
sequence, over- simplified,
was firstly the discovery of a new technique, or
an accidental 'windfall' in
the shape of a new food source appearing, then
increased food which
allowed the natural pressure towards higher
fertility. Recently an
alternative and attractive form of technological
determinism has emerged
in the work of several anthropologists. It is the
view that the tools/crops
and 'means of production' generally will
determine the value of labour, and
that the value of labour will determine the
attitude towards having
children. We may look at three rather different
applications of the
Nag in
a recent survey has tried to take account of the fact that even in
densely populated countries such as India,
parents who are poor seem to
want more children, even though it would appear
to planners to be against
their self-interest. Nag's argument is that this
is rational behaviour.
Making a broad dichotomy between industrial and
agricultural societies,
he brings forward some statistics to show that,
in the absence of machinery,
the scarce factor in production. at least in
terms of power, is human labour
[in Marshall and Polgar, 1976: 3-23]. This is the
development of an
argument put forward long ago by Kingsley Davis
[Davis, 1955: 37]. It is
one of the essential components of 'Demographic
Transition Theory',
which argued that fertility was bound to fall
rapidly as heavy industry made
human labour redundant. The explanation has been
most powerfully put
forward by Mamdani as the major explanation of
the desire for children in
a Punjab village, which undermined an intensive
family planning project in
the area. People need extra labour: 'Given a very
small income, to have to
hire even one farm hand can mean disaster. If
such a farmer is merely to
survive, he must rely on his family for the
necessary labour power"
[Mamdani, 1972: 76]. 'Labour is the most
important factor [in production].
For them, family planning means voluntarily
reducing the family labour
force' [Mamdani, i, 19 76: 103]. All but the very
young and the very old make
some productive contribution to the economy of
the household' [Mamdani,
1976: 129]. With intensive agriculture, and a
very marked seasonal demand
for \ children are economically valuable. But
with the introduction
of other forms of power . he argues. the desire
for children may decline; the
introduction of tractors among the upper level
Jats may already be having
this effect. 'It is therefore true that the newly
married sons of the
mechanized farmers are the Jat group most
favourable to the idea of family
planning through the use of modern contraception'
[Mamdani, 1976: 87].
This type of argument is given an added dimension
by contrasts between
'hoe' cultures of Africa, where female labour is
often more valuable than
male. and the *plough' cultures of Asia and
Europe, where the demand for
male labour means that there is a male-specific
desire for children [Boserup,
1970: 15-52; Goody, 1976]. In both areas human
labour is the source of
wealth and prestige and children, who become net
producers in their early
teens, are greatly desired. There is much to
attract us in this theory, since it
strikes one as plausible and explains a good
deal. Yet it is again too simple.
We know that the attitude towards having children
and fertility rates varies
enormously between societies with the same
agricultural technology, for
instance that Japan and China in the early
twentieth century had
contrasted fertility patterns, though both were
wet-rice cultivating
countries or that Northern Thailand and India are
Furthermore, we know that many of the simplest
societies, where human
labour is even more basic in production and even
animal power is absent,
namely Hunters and Gatherers, usually have little
stress on fertility.
reason for the inadequacy of the theory seems to lie in the fact that
the objective value, from an economist's point of
view, of the child's labour
both as an adolescent and later as an adult is
not the issue. It is the value to
its parents. The crucial factors concern the
length and nature of the
children's contribution to their parent's
prestige and economy, how long
they are expected to contribute to the family
fund. This suggests that it is
not in the means of production, but in the
relations of production, in Marx's
sense, that we are likely to find the solution to
the desirability of children,
and the reason why identical technologies produce
entirely different
fertility patterns. This was the heart of Marx's
criticism of Malthus. We
must look at the specific 'mode of production',
which encompasses the
family organisation if we are to see what
determines fertility patterns: 'In
different modes of social production there are
different laws of the increase
of population and of over-population' [Marx,
1973: 604]. The 'baboon'
Malthus had oversimplified far too much in making
a general law based on
a 'false and childish' conception of a simple
relationship between only two
variables, reproduction and the means of
subsistence. In fact we need to
look at the 'very complicated and varying
relations' within a 'specific
historic development' [Marx, 1973: 605-6]. We
will do this shortly. But
before doing so it is worth considering one
further general hypothesis
concerning the determinants of fertility which
approaches closer to an
analysis in terms of the relations of production
than any other.
Two inextricably
muddled but separate arguments have been put
forward concerning the way in which social
structure, as manifest in
kinship, has influenced fertility. One is that
there is a correlation between
household structure and fertility, the other is
that household structure is
only one aspect of kinship in a society and that
the important variable is the
whole kinship system including the method of
reckoning descent. Frank
Lorimer long ago argued that fertility would be
higher in societies with
'corporate' kinship groups, which usually means
those where descent is
exclusively traced through males or females. With
bounded groups formed,
children are especially valued as they expand a
particular lineage [Lorimer,
1954: 200, 247]. Thus large-scale societies with
unilineal kinship such as
India or China had high fertility; bilateral
societies in modern industrial
settings, or even the small groups of Hunters and
Gatherers who usually
have cognatic descent, have a low emphasis on
fertility. There appears to be
a certain plausibility in this argument, but it
became discredited largely
because it became muddled with another concerning
the nature of the
household. Unilineal systems often, though not
invariably, produce
households where, for a time, married brothers
live together with their
parents. It was suggested that there were several
reasons why the
combination of permanent groups and large,
complex households, should
encourage fertility. These were summarised by Kingsley
Davis [Davis,
1955: 34-5]:
(i) the economic cost of rearing children does
not impinge directly on
the parents to the same extent as in a 'nuclear'
family system.
(ii) the inconvenience and effort of child care
do not fall so heavily on
the parents alone.
(iii) the age at marriage can be quite young,
because under joint
household conditions there is no necessity for
the husband to be able to
support his wife and their family independently
immediately at marriage-
a woman and her children are absorbed by a larger
attractive, both parts of the argument came under attack. As
regards household composition, there is
considerable evidence, for
instance from India. that fertility in households
with a 'nuclear' structure is
often higher than that in 'joint' households
[Myrdal, 1968: ii, 1515 note;
Freedman, 1961-2: 50]. A recent study by Ryder
tests the hypothesis in
Yucatan and supports the growing number of
studies which have failed to
show any simple correlation between household
structure and fertility [in
Kaplan, 1976: 93-97]. Defined in terms of
residence, recent work from
South India by Montgomery also finds no
correlation [in Marshall and
Polgar, 1976: 50-61. The difficulty here is that
the counter-evidence comes
mainly from census-type data. If the hypothesis
was more carefully
formulated to contrast not residence, but
operation, it might have more
chance of survival. An Indian village may be
filled with groups of brothers
and their parents who live apart but who operate
social and economic units
larger than the nuclear family. In such a
situation there may well be a
different attitude to fertility than in a system,
such as that of the modern
west, or small bands of Hunters, where the
effective unit is husband and
wife who are cut off from their kin. The second
major attack has been made
on the negative side of the argument. It is
predicted that, all else being
equal, fertility in non-unilineal systems will be
lower. Put in this simple
form, it is easy to find counter-examples and Nag
cites two American tribal
groups which he studied with high fertility and
in which 'no corporate
unilineal descent groups were present' [Nag,
1962: 69]. Yet he admits that
'the traditional ideal in both the tribes is an
extended family system based
upon patrilocal residence'. even though most
households at present are
nuclear units (as they often are in unilineal
systems). and that there are
'bilateral kin group. Much of the criticism
against Lorimer is now
irrelevant in view of the emergence during the
1950s and 1960s of a new
contrast which make,, a distinction not between
unilineal and non-unilineal
but between those societies. whether cognatic,
agnatic or uterine where the
formation of groups is possible through an
ancestor-focused descent
system. and those where there are no groups
because descent is reckoned
from the ego [Fox, 1967: (,h. 1, 6]. Using this
new distinction. the thesis
could be reformulated to state that where there
are groups formed, by
whatever principle, fertility will be favoured,
whereas where individuals are
the centre of a web of relations, as in the
simplest Hunting and Gathering
bands or the most complex of modern cities, there
will be a de-emphasis on
fertility. But such a thesis is only one step in
the direction of suggesting a
new interpretation. We need to complement kinship
with economics,
particularly ownership of property. In order to
do this we must approach
the puzzle from a different direction.
On the
basis of recent work in historical and comparative demography it
is possible to suggest that three models describe
the population patterns of
most historically recorded societies. These have
been analysed in my work
on the Gurungs of Nepal [Macfarlane, 1976:
303-10]. The 'pre-transition
phase I' model postulates perennial and
uncontrolled fertility controlled by
perennial high mortality, which cancel each other
out and keep the
population steady. Few societies have conformed
to such a model for long
periods. More frequently they have fitted into a
'crisis' model, where
perennial high and uncontrolled fertility is not
counterbalanced by annual
high mortality, but periodic crises, war,
epidemics, famine, topple the
population, which then mounts again. This is
characteristic of China,
traditional India and much of Europe. The third,
'homeostatic', model is
one where fertility is controlled, even in the
presence of abundant
resources, by social and economic controls, and
mortality is not the main
factor in preventing population growth. This fits
certain animal and human
populations and parts of Western Europe in the
seventeenth to twentieth
centuries. When discussing fertility, the first
of these models can be
amalgamated to form the 'uncontrolled' situation,
the third being
'controlled'. For certain purposes, as Matras has
argued [quoted in
Zubrow, 1976: 211], it is useful to break each of
these in half in terms of age
at marriage. thus:
Uncontrolled Controlled
Early A
Late C
This makes it possible to compare societies which
move from A to C or
from A to D. But for the purpose of the present
argument, just two models
will suffice: the 'uncontrolled' and the
'controlled', whether the means is
contraception, abortion or late age at marriage,
thus amalgamating
Malthus' prudential checks (celibacy, late
marriage) and 'vice' (con-
traception, abortion). In summarising these
models, apart from noting
their approximate location and some instances, no
attempt was made to
explain why they occurred in various societies,
to what social, economic or
ideological facts they were related. In order to
proceed with this much
harder task we may first look at a few hints
offered by others who have
attempted to find a solution.
will be remembered that the answer seems to lie not in the means of
production, but in these combined with the
relations of production-in
other words, as Marx claims, in the whole
assemblage of beliefs and
practices he labelled 'mode of production'. This
is indirectly alluded to by
Mamdani, but never directly confronted. In
explaining a possible growth of
a desire to limit childbearing, he is not content
to stop at tractors;
something is also happening to the relations of
production: a labourer is
paid for the work he does, rather than being
given a customary amount in
bundles of wheat, 'In short, labour is becoming a
commodity in Manupur.
Feudal relations of work are giving way to
capitalist relations of work'
[Mamdani, 1972: 91]. This is an important clue.
Another is his statement
that the 'fact that the family is the basic unit
of work has important social
implications' [Mamdani, 1972: 132]. It also has
important demographic
implications, but these are not explicitly
pursued since it would only have
been by comparing India with other countries that
Mamdani would have
seen that what he took to be the result of a
certain type of agriculture, is in
fact the result of a certain social structure, or
mode of production. This
solution is indirectly implied by the common
assumption that 'peasants-"
by whom are meant those who not only live in the
country, but organise
production in a certain way, have an almost
universally pro-natalist
attitude. Goode has assumed that fertility is a
highly valued attribute in
peasant societies [Goode, 1963: 111]; Notestein
stated 'peasant societies in
Europe, and almost universally throughout the
world, are organized in
ways that bring strong pressures on their members
to reproduce'
[Notestein, 1953: 15]. Galeski noted that peasant
families in Poland were
distinguished by a higher birth rate than other
groups [Galeski, 1972: 58].
At first sight this fits well. If we look at a
map of areas of dense population
on the earth and a map of the distribution of
peasantries the two exactly
overlap; India, China, Europe are both. Of course
there is still a chicken
and egg difficulty and there may well be
tautology since the word 'peasant'
may have built into part of its definition
features which necessitate there
being a dense population. Yet there is something
intriguing and worth
pursuing. To do this let us construct two further
ideal-type 'modes of
production' which seem to coincide quite well
with the 'controlled' and
uncontrolled' fertility models earlier alluded
first can be termed 'peasant' or 'domestic' according to one's fancy.
The central feature of this mode is that
production and consumption are
inextricably bound to the unit of reproduction or
family; units of social and
economic reproduction are identical. The farm and
family are found
together as the place where both wealth and
children are produced. This
central feature of peasantry is described by
Thorner as follows:
Our fifth and final
criterion. the most fundamental. is that of the unit of
production. In our concept of
peasant economy the typical and most
representative units of
production are the peasant family households. We
define a peasant family
household as a socio-economic unit which grows crops
principally the physical
efforts of the members of the family [in Shanin, 1971: 205].
As Shanin puts it 'the family is the basic unit
of peasant ownership,
production consumption and social life. The
individual, the family and the
farm, appear as an indivisible whole [Shanin,
1971: 241]. Or as
Chayanov summarised the position:
The first fundamental
characteristic of the farm economy of the peasant is that
it is a family economy. Its
whole organization is determined by the size and
composition of the peasant
family and by the coordination of its consumptive
demands with the number of
its working hands [quoted in Wolf, 1966: 14].
This has nothing, as yet, to do with the nature
of the residential household,
nor even the kinship system. It is basically the
assertion that in many
agricultural societies the basic or smallest unit
of production and
consumption is not the individual, but the
members of a family, which may
merely consist of parents and children, or a
larger group. All those born
into this minimal group have an equal share and
rights in the resources,
labour is pooled in the group. the 'estate' is
passed on undiminished from
generation to generation. In this situation. each
new child is an asset, giving
his labour and drawing off the communal resource,
contributing to the
welfare of his parents as they pass their prime,
increasing the prestige,
political power, as well as the economic
well-being of the group. It is this
system which Mamdani found even after the
introduction of individualistic
western law had destroyed much of the original
fabric. In this situation
family planning appears to go right against the
interests of both the group
and the individual. The unit of production and
the unit of reproduction
coincide. To increase production, one increases
reproduction; likewise in
reverse, as Malthus would argue, if production
increases, so will
reproduction. As Ryder has perceptively remarked,
'It may be that fertility
should be examined in relation to family
structure only in so far as family
structure is related to control over production
and distribution of econ-
omic resources' [in Kaplan, 1976: 98]. Where the
basic unit of
production consumption is the domestic group,
whether co-residential or
operationally united in work and consumption, there
fertility will be highly
valued. It may be against the interests of the
State or of family
planners,. but each small group will try to
maximise its size. Fertility will be valued and
high, as in traditional China, India, eastern
Europe. Until this is realised,
attempts to bludgeon unwilling 'peasants , to
give up what they perceive to
be their economic livelihood are bound to fall.
Economics, social structure,
politics, ideology and demography have become
intertwined, to control
fertility is to alter part of a delicate
structure which also threatens many
other areas.
hypothetical model only gains significance when we contrast it to
another. It might be objected that the argument
above merely resuscitates
the old contrast between non- Industrial '
industrial, 'group'/'individual',
'pre-transition'/'post-transition' which has
continued over the years. This
would be true if all non-industrial societies
could be lumped together under
the 'domestic' or 'peasant I mode. Fortunately,
however, there is an
alternative model which is the social and
economic correlate of the
'controlled' pattern earlier described.
alternative we will label as the 'Individual' pattern. This model has
been less extensively described. The central
feature is that the lowest unit of
production and consumption is not the family, but
the individual. There is
an enormous stress on the individual as opposed
to the group in every
respect; the kinship system (as in the 'Eskimo'
terminology of many
Hunting-Gathering groups or modern England and
North America) is
ego-centred; property is not communally
owned-there is either no group
property at all, as in the simplest hunting
bands, or else there are extreme
individual property rights; production is not
based on the family but on
non-familial lines (the capitalist market, feudal
ties); the permanent unit of
consumption is never larger than husband and
extreme and ultimate form of such 'possessive individualism' is set
out bleakly among the starving Ik, who act as
lonely individuals and forage
for themselves, pushing their children away from
their food, letting their
old people die [Turnbull, 1974]. In a less
desperate situation, we see such a
society in parts of Europe or America today. Thus
the pattern cuts across
normal boundaries of tribal /peasant /industrial.
By focusing on the
individual, rather than the family, many
demographic features are
changed. Instead of a population expanding in
quantity, as Malthus had
predicted, an increase in the means of
subsistence is used to increase the
quality of life for the individual. He or she
does not see production and
reproduction as inextricably connected; sex and
childbearing are separate
things, women's main role is no longer as a
productive and reproductive
machine, extra children do not increase the
prestige and well-being of a
group or even of their parents. In fact,
additional children become a threat
to the happiness of their parents. to their
mother's health, to their father's
peace and pocket, a drain on the individual which
is not recompensed by
labour invested in a common resource which
provides a store for the future.
This pattern helps to explain why it is that only
societies which have ego-
centred systems, which also means, when put in
kinship terms, cognatic
descent, have taken to fertility control with
enthusiasm. It has often been
noted that hunting-gathering bands limited their
fertility by numerous
methods [Douglas, 1966]; those societies with
cognatic kinship in Asia,
broadly in the Tibeto-Burman area. that is
Thailand, Burma, Tibet and
most conspicuously Japan, have all controlled
fertility. China provides an
interesting example of a case where, when the
'domestic mode' was
abolished with the destruction of the traditional
family, one of the most
successful family planning campaigns in history
may have occurred. One
could push the argument further, noting that a
tell-tale mark of such
societies is the high respect for celibacy in the
monastic institutions of
Buddhism and Christianity in these two areas. But
enough has probably
been said to show the lines of the argument. The
other major example, of
course, is the modern European North American
family system which is
often combined with controlled fertility.
To summarise
the argument: in a 'peasant' or domestic mode, fertility
increases the well-being of the smallest unit of
the society, and particularly
of those who will have to do the reproducing,
namely the parents. As a
Spanish farmer told the poet Laurie Lee, 'Buy
land and breed sons and you
can't go wrong. Come wars and thieves and ruined
harvest-they don't
signify at all ... If a man's got strong blood
like me, and scatters his seed
wide enough, that man must flourish.' Or as a
Punjabi water carrier
reprimanded Mamdani, mistaking him for the family
planner who had
visited him years before:
You were trying to convince
me in 1960 that I shouldn't have any more sons.
Now, you see, I have six sons
and two daughters and I sit at home in leisure.
They are grown up and they
bring me money. One even works outside the
village as a labourer. You
told me I was a poor man and couldn't support a
large family. Now you see,
because of my large family, I am a rich man'
[Mamdani, 1972: 1091.
To invest in reproduction is to increase
production and consumption. The
equation is frighteningly simple: peasant
/domestic mode of production is
connected to high fertility. In reverse. where
society is so structured that
what holds people together is not kinship but
relations of power
(feudalism), economics (market capitalism) or
merely geographic
proximity (Hunter-Gatherer bands), then children
are as much a burden as
an asset. The individual has to choose between
children and other leisure
goods, between a child and a mortgage, between a
child and geographical
mobility, perhaps between a child and wealth.
Acquisitive individualism,
whether among the Ik or the inhabitants of modern
western Europe seems
intimately connected to the controlled fertility
argument above has suggested as a hypothesis that peasantry
high fertility, individualism = controlled
fertility. There are plenty of
documented cases of the former, perhaps the best
of them being India, on
which there is now a very considerable
literature. Nearer at hand, there is
evidence of a considerable demand for children in
much of pre-industrial
western Europe. There is, however, a dearth of
examples of one particular
category of the 'individualist' pattern. The
examples that have been
examined are at the two extremes of the spectrum,
either the very simplest
of human groups, the Ik, Hadza, Kung, Netsilik
Eskimos, or at the
supposedly most complex, modern European,
American and Japanese
society. We may wonder whether there are middling
societies, still
predominantly agricultural yet with a State and
towns which would make
them comparable to the large agrarian
civilisations of China, India. It is
possible that parts of South-East Asia would fit
within this category, but
probably the best documented of all examples,
which illustrates in practice
the mechanisms we have described abstractly, is
England between the
thirteenth and eighteenth centuries.
majority of historians and sociologists would class England as a
society moving from 'peasant' to proto
-industrial during this period. For
most of the period it is held to be socially a
peasantry, similar to other
European nations in its structure. If this were
true, we would expect.
according to our hypothesis, that it should have
a high fertility pattern. The
features of such a system may be briefly
summarised as follows. In our
model peasant society the desire to maintain
fertility, and hence production
and consumption, as high as possible, is
expressed in many ways. Marriage
is regarded mainly as a way of producing
children, rather than for
companionship; if a woman is barren she is
returned to her home. The
woman's status Is dependent on the number of
children she produces, her
main role is as a child bearer. Thus, typically,
her sexual capabilities are
carefully guarded before marriage and she is
married off soon after
puberty. In order to ensure the success of the
marriage as a reproductive
enterprise, however, there may be a period of
licensed sexual testing or
'bundling' as it is known in Western Europe.
Premarital pregnancy is not
regarded with horror, if it is by the future
husband. All women who are
physically capable of doing so, marry, and
non-married persons are
regarded as socially immature. If a couple do not
manage to produce
sufficient children of the right sex, they adopt
sons and daughters. Sexual
intercourse is undertaken largely for the purpose
of procreation with one's
wife, not for its intrinsic pleasure.
Contraception is infrequently used and
abortion, infanticide and child abandonment are
only very occasionally
resorted to. The fertility of the woman is
encouraged by means of ritual and
magic through puberty rituals, pregnancy rituals,
fertility- inducing drugs
and ceremonies. There is abundant evidence in
people's statements that
they want children. No single peasant society
would exactly conform to all
of this archetype, but most would have many of
these features. We would
expect England in the five hundred years up to
the industrial revolution to
exhibit most parts of the pattern if the two
premises above are correct,
namely that peasantry implies a high stress on
fertility and England was
superficial reading of early modern sources could be made to yield
evidence for the belief that marriage was mainly
undertaken for
procreation. For instance, the First and Second
Prayer Books of Edward
VI, still in use, reiterated the old church
priorities concerning the 'causes for
which Matrimony was ordained': 'one was the
procreation of children ...
Secondly it was ordained for a remedy against sin
... Thirdly, for the
mutual society, help and comfort, that the one
ought to have of the other.'
Pamphleteers also provide some evidence that
procreation of heirs was an
important motive; those who wrote about women's menstrual
claimed that barrenness was 'the greatest
misfortune' and churchmen
argued that one of the alms of marriage is 'by
children and succession, to
have his family and name extended'. Osborne in
his Advice to his Son speaks
of those 'that Cry, Give me Children, or else my
Name dies'. The
astrologers were also frequently questioned about
whether a person would
have heirs. Yet if we search the most likely
source, the rich autobiographi-
cal literature of the sixteenth to eighteenth
centuries, it is impossible to
sustain such an argument. When people wrote down
why they decided to
marry they gave a variety of reasons. Some did so
for companionship and
support. John Pym in 161'-'1 seeing so much
wickedness in the world and so
much casualty among men. thought good to choose
out a companion for
me in an honest course and took a wife. John
Milton argued that marriage
should be a total relationship. N,,-hose main
purpose was to control 'defects
of loneliness'. It appears that it was emotional
and physical attraction, the
desire for comfort and companionship, the
'romantic love complex' which
pushed most people into marriage in England in
this period. This was not a
situation where marriages, except among the
higher nobility, were
arranged between groups of kin in order to
consolidate an estate or increase
the political and economic power of a kinship
group. Such a romantic love
ideology is consistent with a view of marriage as
a partnership and a
pleasure, not with a view of it as mainly a
mechanism to obtain legal
offspring. There were also economic motives: as
Tusser had put it, 'To
thrive one must wive.' Yet the interesting point
is that the 'thriving' was not
thought to come from having children to increase
one I 's labour power, but
from the fact that the wife would by her
housewifely activities save one
from the expense and mischief of servants and
lodging. Thus a rector in
1605 was accused of wheedling a betrothal out of
a girl by saying that 'I am
a sole man, I pay for my diet and lodging at
Mistress Widdowson ¡ê 10 by the
year, which I am put to for want of a wife.' When
the autobiographer
Thomas Wright's first wife died he had a
succession of servants, 'One was
an incurable drunkard, and proved very expensive
to me; the other, the
greatest liar and the greatest thief that ever
fell under my observation', so
that I now plainly perceived that I must have a
wife, or be ruined.' When a
late-sixteenth-century clergyman's wife was in
great pain and about to give
birth, he listed the difficulties which would
ensue if she died; most of these
were social and economic, none were to do with
First the fear of marrying
again, dangerous as 2 marriages are. Want of it in the
mean while. Forgoing so fit a
companion for religion houswifery, and other
comforts. Loss and decay in
substance. Care of household matters cast on me.
Neglect of study. Care and
looking after children. Forgoing our borders. Fear
of losing friendship among
her kindred. These are some.
It was recognised that it was the relationship
between prospective husband
and wife, of an economic, social and erotic
nature, that was important and
that this relationship would grow with time. This
was encapsulated in
Francis Bacon's aphorism that 'Wives are young
men I 's mistresses;
companions for middle age; and old men's nurses.'
It is always impossible
to document an absence, but in comparison to our
ideal-type peasant
society the lack of interest in marriage for
propagation is very marked
indeed. Our predictions do not appear to work.
indirect indicator of whether marriages are largely undertaken to
produce children is the attitude towards unions
which lead to no children,
to barrenness and infertility. This is taken as
an index by demographic
anthropologists and there is abundant evidence
from many societies from
traditional western Ireland. through Africa to
New Guinea that childless
women are looked on with intense dislike
amounting almost to horror. the
marriage is dissolved and they are sent home to
their family [Nag, 1962:70].
Usually the woman is blamed for the lack of
children, as reported for
the Punjab [Mamdani, 1972: 140]. Childlessness is
often a great personal
tragedy and humiliation, 'a woman with a large
family is highly honoured:
a childless wife is an object of pity, often
tempered with scorn' [Schapera,
1955.- 25]. Again a superficial glance at the
English evidence might give
support for such a view. Astrologers were
besieged by clients who wanted
to know how to overcome childlessness. Various
magical and other cures
were advocated for its cure and it was even
believed that God had a hand in
helping, sending an angel to anoint the genitals
of Strafford's father, for
instance. Yet again, if we search more deeply,
the evidence points in entirely
the opposite direction to that for pro-natalist
societies. Barrenness or
infertility was not one of the recognised grounds
at law for either the
annulment of marriage (a vinculo) or the
separation (a mensa et thoro) of
married partners; 'Impotence', or the inability
by man or woman to
perform the sexual act was such a ground. Sexual
relations were necessary
for a true marriage, but not procreation. A woman
could not be sent away
for this reason, barrenness was no justification
for breaking off a marriage.
Nor in all the voluminous court material dealing
with sexual affairs and
marriage in the church and other courts have I
ever come across any
attempts to separate or annul a marriage on these
grounds. Nor is there any
evidence that it was held to be shameful; while
Elizabethan abusive
vocabulary was extremely rich, among the
'whoremaster', 'bugger', 'lewd
fellows', 'jackanapes', 'bastard', I have never
come across barrenness in
any form being used as a term of abuse, nor have
I in the very considerable
number of slander and libel cases in the
ecclesiastical courts heard of people
either making jokes, innuendos, or spreading
scandal concerning this topic.
Witchcraft beliefs were widespread in this
society, but whereas in Scotland
and the Continent witches would make men and
women sterile, in England
this effect of their power is never brought in
specific trials. It does not seem
to have been something sufficiently serious and
mysterious for a witch to
have caused. Nor is there any evidence that
childless women were
particularly victimised or that their status
increased with the number of
children they had. If this had been deeply felt,
we might have expected that
a large proportion of the women contemplating
suicide and visiting the
astrologers would have had this as a reason. But
neither in the casebooks,
nor in the general discussions of why people
attempted to take their own
lives, is there any stress on barrenness as a
motive. Furthermore,, there
seems to have been a general recognition that the
cause of infertility might
as well be in the man's physiognomy as the
woman's. There were folk and
semi-medical methods of discovering whether a
woman or man was the
infertile one-a handful of barley in their
respective urine was one
suggested by Culpepper in the seventeenth
century. Sometimes the cause
lay in women: 'there are certain women who have
the neck of the womb
long and hardened ... [which] ... renders them incapable
of conceiving',
menstruous blood could also be to blame, a woman
could have been bled
too early, before puberty or have had some
accident. But It could also be
the result of bad blood on the male's part, or
defective genitals, or even
because the couple were too similar, of 'one
Complexion'. Ultimately,
barrenness should be born patiently, for it was
sent by God, though it
might be caused by more humdrum actions such as
over-frequent sexual
intercourse, or over-eating. Again it is difficult
to document something that
is absent, but, with the possible exception of
the higher gentry and nobility,
it would appear that there was a singularly
tolerant attitude towards
infertility. As in England today, there were
clearly people who were
unhappy that they could not have children. But
the disaster, shame and
ridicule which breaks up marriages and demeans
women seem to have been
conspicuously absent. Again England fails to
fulfil the prediction.
dishonour of sterility, especially for women, is closely associated
with the general role of women in society. In our
archetypal peasant society
they are, above all, producers of children, that
is their major role, from
which prestige for them and wealth for their kin
flows. This is so widely
documented in the anthropological literature that
we need only refer to
three examples: in traditional Ireland, we are
told that their main function
was to provide children and it was by this that
they were judged [Arensberg,
1937:89], in -nineteenth-century France they were
regarded by many as 'une
machine a enfantement' [Shorter, 1975: 77], in
Africa they are often mainly
looked on as reproductive assets [Lorimer, 1954:
370]. They were not
primarily valued for their intelligence,
independence, physical attractive-
ness. Looked at from the legal and social angle,
their status when regarded
as baby-creating machines is often extremely low,
their role limited. We
might therefore expect to find women's roles
defined in terms of
childbearing and their status very low in
pre-industrial England. Yet the
expectation is again thwarted. Contemporaries
were not wrong when they
described England as a 'Paradise for married
women'. As compared with
other agrarian societies, their jural, economic
and social position was
amazingly high. And there is no evidence that any
of this was related to
their reproductive capacities. Their position
before the law and
economically was highest when they were unmarried
and by definition had
no children; their power within marriage did not
increase in any obvious
way with the birth of children. The marriage was
not cemented by
childbirth. Nowhere is there evidence that their
status, prestige or power
was enhanced by their reproductive performance.
Again, a negative
finding is impossible to prove. But nowhere in
the very considerable
literature and law of the period is there strong
evidence that a married
woman with a large family was treated as superior
to one with few or even
no children. The idea present in some societies
that a woman is incomplete
until she has a child, sometimes expressed in the
view that she is without a
soul until she gives birth, is nowhere to be
found. Women are full, complete
persons without children and they seem, for many
centuries to have had
many roles and outlets--economic, social and
religious, which were
independent of their reproductive ability. The
poetry addressed to them
extolled their beauty, their wit, their
elegance,, it did not praise their
childbearing hips, large suckling breasts or
fertile womb. The plays of the
seventeenth century saw women as dominant,
scheming, independent-not
as child-bearing appendages of men, whose
prestige increased with every
further feature of the ideal pattern is the protection of women's
'honour' or virginity before marriage. Their
wombs will be their husband's
or husband's kin's joy, and therefore their
sexuality should not be tampered
with. This varies in emphasis and expression
across societies. In traditional
India it took the form that a Hindu father ought
to marry off his daughter
as soon as she menstruated; a nubile unmarried
daughter was a threat and
an invitation and her honour and that of the
family should not be put in
jeopardy. In the Mediterranean area it took the
form of the 'honour and
shame' complex where a girl was carefully watched
by her family, where her
brothers and kin would avenge any dishonour to
their sister. The ultimate
test of the virginity and wholeness of the bride,
whose full potential
childbearing ability was reserved for her
husband, was the viewing of the
blood-bespattered nuptial sheets which would show
that the hymen had
been broken for the first time. Among the Greek
Sarakatsani shepherds, we
are told, virginity almost provoked a sense of
awe, there is a very heavy
emphasis on the girl's virginity before marriage
[Campbell, 1964: 100-1,
178, 278] and in a Turkish village, a girl is
inspected before marriage in
order to see if her hymen is intact [Stirling,
1965, 184]. In Yorubaland,
where fertility is very highly valued, there is
also the custom of the virginity
sheet [Marshall and Polgar, 1976: 130]. We might
expect some similar
institution in England, especially as a work
translated into the language in
the early sixteenth century, and describing
contemporary Germany, gives
enormous praise to those who retain their
virginity and stresses the social
pressure against those who fail. Again there are
a few preliminary hints of a
mild interest in the topic: there are
lamentations over the untimely loss of
virginity, people went to astrologers to ask
'whether she has her
maidenhead or no', others dreamed that they were
feeling women to see if
they were still virgins. Yet the weight of the
evidence again forces us
towards a different conclusion. It seems certain
that if the bridal sheet
institution had been present, some trace of it
would have been left in
autobiography or literature. There is no such
trace. I have nowhere seen
even an oblique reference to it. This appears to
have been evident to
contemporaries. Mrs Sharp in her Midwives Book of
the later seventeenth
century had heard about the showing of the bloody
sheet as a sign of
virginity as a custom of certain African tribes
described by Leo Africanus.
But she not only failed to link it to anything
similar in England, but
doubted whether it was much of a test in any
the sign of bleeding perhaps
is not so generally sure; it is not so much in maids
that are elderly, as when
they are very young; bleeding is an undoubted token
of Virginity: But young
Wenches (that are lascivious) may lose this, by
unchaste actions, though they
never knew man.
I have come across no reference in the
ecclesiastical courts to a man trying
to break off a marriage or gain some kind of
compensation because his wife
was not a virgin. There is little evidence, in
fact, that the family or kin were
greatly interested in the subject. The detailed
analysis of pre-marital sexual
behaviour which it is possible to make from
contemporary sources suggests
that many parents shielded and protected and
supported their incontinent
children and that it was the church courts and
village officers who tried to
prevent the offence. Nowhere have I come across a
man being attacked
physically for deflowering a virgin or
threatening the honour of her
brothers and parents. The chastity belt, of which
drawings and examples
from the period can be seen. seems to have been
something which prevailed
in Spain. Italy, German,,. but never to have been
used in England. There
was freedom and unchaperoned contact between the
sexes in the long
period between puberty and marriage and that does
not fit well with an
'honour and shame', high-fertility, structure.
there is another institution which appears to be diametrically
opposed to the bridal sheet and chastity belt;
that is the pre-marital testing
of the woman's fertility or custom of 'bundling'.
In order to ensure that the
wife is fecund, there is a number of societies an
institution whereby a couple
who are known to have serious intentions of
marriage are allowed, even put
under pressure, to cohabit sexually. If the woman
becomes pregnant, they
marry, if the 'test' falls, they do not. This has
been noted, for example, as an
index of a high desire for children in Africa [Southall,
1961: 311]. The
custom seems to have been present in several
parts of pre-industrial
Europe, in fact, possibly in all those areas
where its logical opposite, the
virginity sheet, was absent. Thus we find it
widely reported for parts of
Scandinavia [Shorter, 1975: 102-3], for France
[Goody, 1976: 44], and in
Scotland where, in the Outer Isles, for example,
there was a trial 'marriage'
for a year. If no child was conceived, the
relationship was broken off. If we
turn to England, at first sight there appears to
be an institution which fits
well with this. In the period after a formal
betrothal, popular opinion and
even the authorities often allowed the couple to
cohabit. There is very
considerable evidence concerning this [Laslett,
1971: 138-54]. Yet on closer
examination this institution was not a form of
fertility testing, but the
reverse. Once the young people were betrothed,
and particularly if the
betrothal was cemented by sexual intercourse,
they were in the eyes of the
church married; to break off a betrothal was as
difficult as to terminate a
marriage; it could only be done on a limited
range of grounds. The young
couple must marry, whether the wife became
pregnant or not. Preferably
this marriage should take place within a couple
of months, when, in any
case, it would be difficult to tell whether the
wife was with child. Nowhere in
the extensive descriptions of pre-marital
intercourse or the cases brought
by disappointed lovers whose betrothal had been
broken off have I come
across a single instance where the reasons given
for terminating the
relationship was infertility. Betrothal was
merely the first stage of a process
which led to a full and indissoluble union.
Another superficial argument
might seem to support the 'fertility testing'
hypothesis. There was
considerable sexual freedom allowed between the
sexes throughout the
period, including heavy petting. They were
allowed to spend days and even
nights together kissing and cuddling. The
descriptions of courtship in the
diary of Roger Low and autobiography of Thomas
Wright show young
couples spending evenings and nights in long
discussions and in physical
contact. It is easy to mistake this for a form of
institutionalised 'bundling'
especially as the superficial descriptions look
rather similar. Yet in England
there is no evidence that what the young couple
were trying to do was find
out if the girl would be able to bear children.
In fact, when she became
pregnant. the man would often abscond. Nor is
there any evidence that the
parents were interested in finding out that the
wife would be able to bear
children. Those seventeenth-century historians
who have considered the
question most extensively from the local evidence
are agreed that bundling
was absent in England during this period
[Laslett, 1977.- 110]. Young men
were never advised in the books of advice which
were popular at the time,
or in any other literature, to test their
spouse's fertility. Nor did those like
Stubbes who so fiercely anatomised the failings
of their countrymen ever
suggest that one of the reasons for the all -too
-prevalent vice, the
'whordom' which had 'now become a play, a
pastime, a sport' was even
partly a desire to make sure that a marriage
would not be barren. It seems
to have been sexual gratification, companionship
and 'romantic love' and
other motives which impelled many people to live
together or have sexual
relations before marriage, not a desire to find
out if the wife would be
the aim is to increase the store of children, an obvious strategy is
to commence sexual relations as early as
possible, particularly in the case of
women. In most human populations with the
'uncontrolled' pattern,
therefore, women have entered sexual union at, or
soon after. puberty and
started to produce children in their late teens
as the effect of the 'reduced
fertility' post-menarche period wears off. As
female reproduction usually
tails off in the late thirties, this gives them
an effective reproduction span of
some twenty years in which to produce up to ten
offspring at two-yearly
intervals. This is the pattern in most
agricultural societies, notably much of
traditional India and China and eastern Europe,
as well as most of tribal
Africa. If the aim had been to push fertility to
its maximum, then we would
have expected a similar pattern in England and
Europe. During the last
fifteen years it has become increasingly obvious
that this was not the case.
The work of Hajnal and others has shown that in
parts of north-western
Europe and particularly in England, from at least
the early sixteenth
century. girls did not have this twenty-year
span. The mean age of women
at marriage and consequently first childbearing
fluctuated in England at
between 25 and 30 in many parts of the country
from the sixteenth century
to mid-eighteenth [Hajnal, 196.5]. In effect this
would cut the reproductive
period by between one-third and two-thirds, which
would have an
enormous effect on completed fertility. Furthermore,
long-term popu-
lation growth would be slowed down very
considerably since the average
gap between one generation and the next would be
lengthened from about
18 to 28 years. Although it would be facile to
believe that people 'design' an
institution like the age of marriage specifically
to limit fertility, thus
confusing its function with the ends of the
actors involved, it is clear that
where such an institution does exist it is
difficult to see how a very obsessive
desire for large families could co-exist. If
girls can remain single and
childless until their late twenties, it is
difficult to believe that there were
strong pressures towards high fertility.
only is it normal in human societies for women to be married soon
after puberty, but maximum reproduction is
encouraged by making sure
that ' t all women (and most men) who are not
physically or mentally
deformed in some way become married. This can be
shown by statistical
evidence from societies where 'universal'
marriage is reported, and also
from the attitude to those who do not marry in
most non-western societies.
Particularly for women, marriage is not a matter
of choice. or chance, it is a
life-cycle stage. as inevitable as puberty or
death. When we turn to England
and parts of I north-western Europe, Hajnal has
again shown that the high-
fertility expectation does not work. There is now
evidence that in the period between the sixteenth
and eighteenth centuries there
were a large number of unmarried and
never-married persons of both
sexes. The demographer Petty noted that as a
combination of the late age at
marriage and high proportion never marrying, 'of
100 capable women only 32 are
married, and these 32 brought 11 children p.a.'
It is clear that the early-
twentieth-century proportions of 15 per cent
women single at the age of
45-49 was, if anything, exceeded in the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries.
There were also very many elderly bachelors. This
pattern was contrasted
with that of neighbouring Celtic societies where
marriage was almost
universal, as Arthur Young noted in the
eighteenth century. The statistical
situation is correlated with a remarkable
tolerance towards non-married
persons. Unmarried women were of equal status and
position in private law
to men. There is no evidence that it was believed
to be physically or
mentally dangerous never to marry. There is very
little evidence of
unmarried persons being ridiculed or condemned in
the diaries and letters
of the time. It was marriage, not the single
life, which was the subject of
ridicule in the plays and poetry of the period.
Elsewhere [see note 1] I will present evidence to show that on a number
other indices England clearly falls to fit the
predictions we made for a
I peasant' society. It will be argued that there
was a high valuation of
celibacy and marriage was regarded as a sometimes
inferior option. People
were only put under mild pressure to marry.
Furthermore, the whole sexual
ethics of the period were conducive to controlled
fertility. Sexual relations
were considered as an end in themselves, not
merely a means to
childbearing. Women were not seen as passive
sexual objects upon whom
children were engendered, but as equal partners
in a pleasurable activity.
The treatment of women in pregnancy and after
childbirth also suggests
greater concern for sexual pleasure than
procreation, indeed pregnancy
was even looked on as almost an unfortunate
disease. After childbirth there
were no attempts to protect the young infant by
taboos on intercourse.
Another index of the desire for children, the
adoption of children, also
indicates a negative attitude. Indeed, adoption
was legally impossible in
England up to the nineteenth century and few
cases of even quasi-adoption
can be found. With this negative attitude, it is
not surprising that recent
historical demographic work should suggest that
at least in the seventeenth
century, in some parishes, some effective form of
birth control was
practised [ Wrigley, 1966] and there is
considerable evidence of abortion
and infanticide. All these findings suggest a
marked lack of emphasis on
having children; none of them fit the predictions
of the peasant model. One
final index may be examined briefly to establish
the argument.
there had been a pro-natalist attitude in the society, similar to that in
many non-industrial societies, the great anxiety
to increase the number of
births should have been echoed in art and
literature as well as in
biographical and other sources. I have collected
a very considerable
amount of information which again goes flatly
against such an
interpretation; from diaries, autobiographies and
many other sources it
becomes clear that people, on the whole, were
quite happy to have one or
two children, but after that they became a burden
and a nuisance. Even
their motives for those one or two are curious.
If we bear in mind that such
children are a social, economic and often ritual
necessity in most agrarian
societies, we may look at the reasons given by
Culpepper in the middle of
the seventeenth century to explain why 'all Men
and Women desire
Children'. The first reason is very abstract;
'they are blessings of God, and
so saints desire them' but Culpepper then
immediately admits that only
1/100 at the most are moved by this as an
important cause. Secondly,
'because they are pretty things to play withall,
like desiring to play with his
like', in other words they are a source of
emotional gratification, or, in the
crude theory of modern demographic enquiry, a
consumer good, to be
compared In pleasure-giving to other goods, for
example, pets. But
Culpepper thinks that the main reason why people
desire children is, most
probably. Lust [which] is the cause of begetting
more Children' than the
other reasons. Of course, looked at from this
point of view, children are the
price one pays for sex; sex is not to produce
children. but for itself, pleasure
always has its cost, and children are the
by-product in this case. This view,
so extraordinary for people in the many societies
which see things the other
way round, sex as the means, children the ends,
is an essential prerequisite
for widespread birth control. It is also curious
to notice a complete absence
of two strong motives which might have been
mentioned by Culpepper.
Parents do not desire children to increase or
maintain their family line; nor
do they desire them as an economic support, their
labour for middle age
and support in old age. In fact they were often
looked at as an economic
disaster. Francis Quarles wrote:
Seest thou the fruitful
womb'? how every year it moves the Cradle; to thy
slender chear Invites another
guest, and makes thee Father to a new son. who
now, perchance, had'st rather
bring up the old, esteeming propagation a
thankless work of
superrogation ... Perchance thou grumblest. counting it a
curse unto thy faint estate,
which is not able to increase the bounty of thy
slender table; poor miserable
man what e'er thou be.
This is a view diametrically opposed to the
quotations concerning the
Punjabi peasants with whom we started, and there
is plenty of evidence that
it is not merely a view ascribed to the
*peasants' by an intellectual. It is an
attitude which could easily lead to the
condemnation of reproduction as
wasteful, to the sarcasm of a late -seven
teenth-century diarist who wrote
that 'The Clergy ... begin to look plump, and get
children without mercy:
as if they had nothing else to follow but the
Catholic cause of generation.'
The preliminary equation of 'peasantry' with
'uncontrolled fertility'
appears to be totally incorrect for England. Here
Is a society which
historians and anthropologists are fully agreed
was 'peasant' in every sense
until the seventeenth century. yet which, on
every index we use is. in terms
of fertility, diametrically opposed to what we
would expect. It is a classic
'controlled' fertility society. the best example
we have for a 'middle-range
society' lying between the two better-documented
extremes of post-
industrial or early Hunter-Gatherer societies.
The hypothesis appears to be
disproved. But before abandoning it. we may look
briefly at the other end
of the equation which has been left unexamined
Was England, as the
conventional wisdom assumes, broadly a peasant
society between the
thirteenth and eighteenth centuries" Was it
truly based on the 'domestic
mode of production', on the identification of
farm and family, similar in its
structure to the peasantries of India, eastern
Europe, traditional China? I
have examined this question at some length in a
work to be published at
roughly the same time as this article [Macfarlane,
1978]. There I have
maintained that England has never, at least from
the time when detailed
records begin in the mid-thirteenth century, been
a 'peasant' society in the
sense defined earlier in this article. Its
kinship system and property law, its
basic social structure and ideology has always
been much closer to an
individualistic system. Why this should have been
the case, we do not yet
know. But this sets it off in many respects from
other 'peasant' societies,
whether in the Celtic fringe, continental Europe,
eastern Europe or Asia
and Africa. This difference was not a product of
the spread of market
capitalism or protestantism in sixteenth-century
Europe; it is much older. If
I am right in this argument it turns what looks
like a complete refutation of
the original hypothesis into one of the strongest
confirmations of it. The
singularly controlled attitude towards fertility
fits well with an economic
and social system which is ultimately based on
the individual and no larger
group. Parents do not recoup what they invest in
their children, nor is there
any larger kinship line or 'group' which is embellished by
having children.
When considering the 'cost' of rearing children,
it is insufficient to look
merely at what is spent. We have to look at what
is returned by the children.
It is here that we find that a combination of
kinship and economics in pre-
industrial England meant that parents could not
hope to recoup anything
from their children-not even much love and
affection. The analogy for
English children is the domestic pet', kept
mainly because it is 'a pretty thing
to play with', but not something which will last
a lifetime or which will
contribute its labour to the family enterprise or
provide support in old age.
Max Weber singled out as one of the two essential
prerequisites of modern
capitalism 'the separation of business from the
household, which
completely dominates modern economic life ... our
legal separation of
corporate from personal property' [ Weber, 1930:
21-2]. This is also, it
would seem,, one of the prerequisites for the
success of birth control; where
ownership is in some form of corporation, a
'household' or a 'lineage' for
example, it is in the interests of parents to
increase reproduction and
thereby production and consumption. Where the
individual is alone and
'free', then children do not provide the means to
affluence or social prestige,
but must be chosen as one among a set of paths,
others of which may be
more efficient. The 'mortgage or the child' system
is not the product of the
rootlessness of post-industrial society. We can
push it back well beyond
What we
have tried to do is to show that there does seem to be a close
association between reproduction and the mode of
production, in Marx's
sense. This does not have much to do with
technology; English plough
culture was not very different from that on the
continent at the same time.
Nor is it very subject to rapid changes. The
basic non-peasant
'individualistic' social and economic system
seems to be present the
moment the documents for its observation emerge,
in other words, in the
thirteenth century, and it continues to this day.
The Black Death, the Civil
War and the Industrial Revolution have not shaken
the patterns
altogether. Of course, this hypothesis only
suggests a host of other
questions-where did the English pattern
originate, why was England so
different? It should also be said that the final
version of the thesis will need
numerous qualifications: there were always
sectors, groups, strata in a large
and complex society such as England over five
centuries which do not fit.
The nobility and upper middle class, for example,
may have conformed to a
different pattern. But before we descend to
exceptions, it is helpful to have
the rule. We will also need to explore the
implications for current family
planning programmes. It is clear that technology
is not at the root of the
matter, but kinship and social and economic relations.
Those who wish
birth control to work now know that it is not
enough to provide techniques,
there must be a strongly felt desire to limit a
family. The thesis outlined
above suggests that such a desire is unlikely
unless the connection between
reproduction and production is carefully
disentangled. As long as
reproduction is believed to increase production
and consumption people
will not willingly control their fertility.
1. Only a brief survey of the
historical material can be presented here. I hope to present a
full account, with further
examples and statistics, in a book to be published in 1980 dealing not only
with attitudes to children, but also sexual behaviour. women's status and old
age. For this reason I have not given the references to contemporary,
pre-eighteenth century, documents referred to here. Full references will be
given in the book. The present account is therefore intended to put forward a
thesis and to elicit some comments: the proof, when the argument is modified,
will come later.
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