Press the first letter of the subject's surname to take you to the correct part of the page.

Ray Abrahams - Emeritus member of Department of Social Anthropology and Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 13th July 2015

Cambridge University

Akbar Ahmed - Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at American University in Washington DC

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 29th July 2004


Michael Allen - retired Professor of Anthropology, University of Sydney

interviewed by Mark Turin 18th September 2005

Nicholas Allen - Emeritus Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 19th September 2001

George Appell - Senior Visiting Research Associate, Department of Anthropology, Brandeis University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 19 April 2004

own web site

Laura Appell - anthropologist and writer

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 19 April 2004

Raymond Apthorpe - Visiting Fellow, International Relations, ANU

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 16th April 1989

Asen Balikci - Professor of Anthropology. Département d'anthropologie. Université de Montréal 1969-1994 (retired 1994)

interviewed by Mark Turin 12th January 2003


Fredrik Barth - Professor of Social Anthropology University of Bergen (retired)

interviewed by Bob Anderson on 5th June 2005


Nora Bateson - Talking about her father Gregory Bateson

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane on 25th February 2012


John Beattie - Social Anthropologist, Oxford University (died 1990)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 5th July 1983

Jonathan Benthall - Honorary Research Fellow, UCL Department of Anthropology

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 6th December 2005

UCL Department of Anthropology

Maurice Bloch - Professor of Anthropology, London School of Economics (retired)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 29th May 2008


Jeremy Boissevain - Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Amsterdam

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 6th July 1983


David Brokensha - Professor Emeritus, Environmental Studies and Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 25th August 2006

University of California, Santa Barbara

Lionel Caplan - Emeritus Professor, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 18th January 2004


Pat Caplan - Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Goldsmiths, University of London

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 18th January 2004

Elizabeth Colson - Professor Emeritus University of California, Berkeley, CA.

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 11th April 2006

Anthropology Emeritus Lecture Series, U.C. Berkeley

Jean and John Comaroff - Professors of anthroploogy, Chicago University

interviewed by Kalman Applbaum 15th November 2008


Regna Darnell - Professor of Anthropology and First Nations Studies at the University of Western Ontario

Interviewed by Mark Turin 25th February 2017


Philippe Descola - Director of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology (LAS) and Professor at the College de France.

Interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 3rd February 2015


Mary Douglas - Fellow of the British Academy (now deceased)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 26th February 2006


Scarlett Epstein - Director Research, Intervention (India) Pvt. Ltd

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 24 March 2004

Arnold Leonard and Trude Scarlett Epstein Papers

Thomas Hylland Eriksen - Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 13th June 2019


Stephan Feuchtwang - Emeritus Professor of Anthropology; senior research associate of the Department of Anthropology, and Programme Director for the MSc China in Comparative Perspective, LSE

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 8th January 2008


Ruth Finnegan - Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at the Open University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 12th March 2009

British Academy

Raymond Firth - Emeritus Professor of Anthropology at London School of Economics (now deceased)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 8th July 1983


Rosemary Firth - Lecturer in health education at the University of London Institute of Education (now deceased)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 8th July 1983


Robert Foley - Director of the Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies and Leverhulme Professor of Human Evolution; Fellow in Biological Anthropology, King's College, Cambridge University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 27th April 2010


Meyer Fortes - Emeritus William Wyse Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge (now deceased)

Lecture by Meyer Fortes on Talensi divination, March 1982


Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf - Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, School of Oriental and African Studies (now deceased)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 17th June 1983


Jean Claude Galey - Directeur d’études à l’EHESS, Centre d’études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud

Lecture in Department of Social Anthropology, Cambridge 12th May 1989


Peter Gathercole - Curator, University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University (now retired)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane and Ami Henare, 8th May 2003

Clifford Geertz - Professor Emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (now deceased)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 5th May 2004


Ernest Gellner - Emeritus William Wyse Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge (now deceased)

Lecture on the Soviet Union, 1988-9, October 1989, Cambridge University


Jack Goody - Emeritus William Wyse Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge

interviewed by Eric Hobsbawm 18th May 1991


Stephen Gudeman- Professor of Anthropology at the University of Minnesota.

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 14th May 2010

University of Minnesota

Philip Gulliver - Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus, York University, Toronto

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 7th July 1983

York University, Toronto

Chris Hann - Director of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 14th May 2010

Max Planck Institute

Ildiko Beller-Hann - Late Associate Professor at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 29 April 2024

Keith Hart - Professor of Anthropology at Goldsmith College, University of London

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 12th April 2006 and 16th January 2009


Michael Herzfeld - Professor Department of Anthropology, Harvard University

talk to the Cambridge University Social Anthropology Society, 22nd March 2005

Harvard University

Les Hiatt - Honorary Visiting Fellow, Austrailan Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 14 July 2005


Polly Hill - Emeritus Smuts reader in Commonwealth studies, Cambridge University (now deceased)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 20th July 1996


Stephen Hugh-Jones - Lecturer, Department of Social Anthropology, Cambridge University (retired)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 14th Feb 2007

King's College, Cambridge

Caroline Humphrey - Sigrid Rausing Professor of Collaborative Anthropology (retired); Director ofthe Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit (MIASU), Cambridge University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 5th August 2010


Wendy James - Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, Oxford University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 15th May 2009


G.I. Jones - Lecturer, Department of Social Anthropology, Cambridge University (now deceased)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 22nd April 1989


Jean La Fontaine - Emeritus Professor Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics

interviewed by Jack Goody 15th December 1982


Bernd Lambert - Emeritus Professor Department of Anthropology, Cornell University

interviewed by Mark Turin 31st August 2004


Edmund Leach - Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, Cambridge University (now deceased)

interviewed by Frank Kermode 26th May 1982


F.K. Lehman - Professor, Department of Anthropology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 29th October 2003

In Memorium

Godfrey Lienhardt - Wolfson College, Oxford (now deceased)

The Frazer Lecture was given in Cambridge, 5th March 1992


Peter Loizos - Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, London School of Economics

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 14th September 2002


Tanya Luhrmann - Watkins University Professor in the Anthropology Department at Stanford University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 13th June 2022


Lucy Mair - Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, London School of Economics (now deceased)

interviewed by by Jean La Fontaine 30 July 1983


McKim Marriott - Retired Professor of Anthropology and of Social Sciences, Chicago University

interviewed by Kalman Applbaum and Ingrid Jordt 14th June 2008

Chicago University

Emanuel Marx - Professor of Social Anthropology at Tel Aviv University

interviewed by Dan Rabinowitz and Alan Macfarlane 7th July 1983

Adrian Mayer - Professor Emeritus of Social Anthropology at the School for Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 15th September 2017


Iona Mayer - Social Anthropologist

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 13th July 1983

Philip Mayer - Social Anthopologist (now deceased)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 13 July 1983

Fernand Meyer - Senior researcher at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, IVth section

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 14th November 2016

Centre d'Etudes Himalayennes

Sidney Mintz - Research Professor at Johns Hopkins University

in conversation with Sonia Ryang 7th April 2007


Sally Falk Moore - Professor Emerita of Harvard University

interviewed by Kalman Applbaum 24th August 2008


Chie Nakane - Professor Emeritus of Tokyo University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 19th October 2009


Rodney Needham - Professor Emeritus of Social Anthropology, Oxford University (now deceased)

in conversation with James J. Fox 1979


Lilie Nie - Professor of Social Anthropology, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 17th December 2008

Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney - William F. Vilas Professor, Dept. of Anthropolgy, University of Wisconsin - Madison

interviewed by Kalman Applbaum and Ingrid Jordt 30th April 2011


Sherry Ortner - Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at UCLA

interviewed by Mark Turin on 3rd March 2020


Robert Paine - Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Memorial University of Newfoundland

interviewed by Piers Vitebsky 8th July 1986

David Parkin - Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Oxford University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 17th March 2009

British Academy

Jonathan Parry - Professor of Anthropology, London School of Economics (retired)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 5th December 2008

British Academy

John Pilgrim - Applied Anthropologist (Africa and Asia)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 1st February 2024


Paul Rabinow - Professor of Anthropology, University of California (Berkeley)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 31st October 2008


Dan Rabinowitz - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel-Aviv University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 10th November 2006

Tel Aviv University

Alison Richard - Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 21st August 2008 and continued on 28th September and the 18th December 2008


Audrey Richards - Emeritus Smuts Reader, Cambridge University (now deceased)

Talk by Audrey Richards 'On fieldwork' 3rd May 1982


Peter Rivière - Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Oxford University

interviewed by Laura Rival 10th September 2001


Malcolm Ruel - Retired lecturer of Social Anthropology, Cambridge University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 14th December 2002

Marshall Sahlins - Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 6th June 2013


Anne Salmond - Professor of Maori Studies and Anthropology, University of Auckland

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 19th November 2004


James Scott - Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 26th March 2009


David Seddon - Professorial Fellow, School of International Development , University of East Anglia

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 19th February 2009

Exeter University

Aidan Southall - Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at University of Wisconsin, Madison

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 7th July 2005


Marilyn Strathern - Emeritus William Wise Professor of Social Anthropology; Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 6th May 2009


Stanley Tambiah - Esther and Sidney Rabb Professor of Anthropology at Harvard University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 8th July 1983


Anne-Christine Taylor - Director of Research CNRS.

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 4th May 2015


Tien Ju-Kang - (now deceased)

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 20th October 2005

Terry Turner - Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and of Social Sciences, University of Chicago

interviewed by Mark Turin 2nd September 2004

University of Chicago

Andrew Vayda - Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and Ecology at Rutgers University. Formerly a professor at Columbia University

interviewed by Patricia Kelly Spurles, 5th April 2008


Piers Vitebsky - Head of Social Science at the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge,

The Henry Myers Lecture, as given in Cambridge, May 2007


Roy Wagner - Professor, Department of Anthropology at the University of Virginia

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 9th June 2008


Wang Mingming - Professor in the Institute of Anthropology, Sociology Department of Peking University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 22nd July 2008


Harvey Whitehouse - Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Oxford University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 5th August 2023


James Woodburn - Retired Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, London School of Economics

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 2nd June 2005

Nur Yalman - Professor of Social Anthropology and of Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University

interviewed by Alan Macfarlane 14 June 2004
